Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Nottinghamshire Inhabitants Quit Smoking

243 Nottinghamshire residents have pledged to quit smoking, with the support of the NHS Stop Smoking Service New Leaf during October as part of the first ever national mass quit attempt called Stoptober. The campaign has been supported locally by NHS Nottinghamshire County and Nottinghamshire County Council. New Leaf is the specialist stop smoking service commissioned by NHS Nottinghamshire County to provide advice and support to people who want to kick the smoking habit.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

No Smoking Zones in Albany, Smoking Areas

Public housing properties in Albany are about to become no smoking zones. Residents will no longer be allowed to light up in their own homes. The Albany Housing Authority approved a smoking ban Tuesday evening that will go into effect January 1st. Authority officials say the ban will promote healthier living and accommodate future tenants who may be sensitive to cigarette smoke. There will be designated smoking areas. Some residents don't like the plan, but others say it's not such a big deal. "I understand why they want to try to prohibit it, to try to stop people from smoking at all, but you make the ordinances against them and all people are going to do is violate them," said resident James Jackson.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kids Smoking Marlboro Cigs, Tobacco Ads

I did not think I’d have to explain it. But I guess I do. For lots of people are calling and asking “why do we have this ad in the paper?” It could be mistaken for a Marlboro ad, which shows kids smoking. “So how come you are running such an ad, are you trying to lure kids to smoke?” people are asking. Of course, many people, probably the majority, realize it is, of course, not an ad. That there’s no way Marlboro would ever run such an ad, and, therefore, through the process of elimination, it must be an anti-smoking, anti -tobacco message; an editorial using images.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tobacco Users in Midland County

Smoking not only causes complicated health problems but can also take a toll on your pocketbook and that of your employer. After a shocking study, Midland County officials are looking at ways to cut down their insurance costs by the help of its employees changing their unhealthy habits. According to Midland County officials, 80 percent of Texas medical claims stem from tobacco usage and obesity. Now county leaders are encouraging their employees to quit smoking, if they don't, they are going to have to pay up.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tobacco Brands Packs, Smoking Control

The High Court backed the federal government's world-first plain-packaging legislation earlier this year because it involved regulating, not acquiring, big tobacco's brands and logos. The court on Friday published its reasons for ruling in mid-August that plain packaging was constitutionally valid. "Although the (Tobacco Plain Packaging) act regulated the plaintiffs' intellectual property rights and imposed controls on the packaging and presentation of tobacco products it did not confer a proprietary benefit or interest on the commonwealth," a summary of the judgment released by the court states.