Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kids Smoking Marlboro Cigs, Tobacco Ads

I did not think I’d have to explain it. But I guess I do. For lots of people are calling and asking “why do we have this ad in the paper?” It could be mistaken for a Marlboro ad, which shows kids smoking. “So how come you are running such an ad, are you trying to lure kids to smoke?” people are asking. Of course, many people, probably the majority, realize it is, of course, not an ad. That there’s no way Marlboro would ever run such an ad, and, therefore, through the process of elimination, it must be an anti-smoking, anti -tobacco message; an editorial using images. Kids are, of course, the true target of tobacco companies. Kids from 11 – to 19 years of age. The images depict the tobacco companies’ real motive. Marlboro, for instance, is not targeting adult cowboys or glamour girls, although these are who they display as models in their ads. To preserve their business, they have to target young people to smoke. They use adults for models. Most of us know, if a person reaches adulthood without smoking, they almost never contract the habit of smoking. Cigarette smoking is an addictive habit and the only hope the makers of cigarettes have to continue in their trade is to capture the youth. Adults do not start smoking. Children and teenagers do. So our display shows the true Marlboro intent, the spirit of Marlboro; what they would advertise if they were truly honest.

1 comment:

  1. Are you paying over $5 / pack of cigs? I'm buying my cigarettes at Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 70% on cigs.
